
This Portfolio

This portfolio is being built by me using React.js, Typescript, Styled Components and Next.js.

Minecraft Inventory using Vanilla JS

It was a challenge to create a Minecraft Inventory using Vanilla JS only for funny purposes.

API Challenge

It was a challenge to create an API using Node.js, Typescript, Express and MongoDB, API Swagger. That I did in 2 days for a job interview, and I got the job.

Purple Butterfly

It's far from being finished, it's a fake social descentralized netowork that I'm working on to apply all the things that I know in one advanced project. Usign Blockchain, Microservices Architecture, Clean Architecture, SOLID, DDD, Design Patterns, Node.js, Typescript, React.js, etc


DevPad was a Project create to help developers to save their code snippets and share with the community, but the main motivation was teach a group of interns how to build a fullstack application using React, made by me and a Friend.

DevPad Backend

DevPad Backend that was made using Node.js, Javascript, Express, MongoDB, JWT, etc. Is the Backend of DevPad and also it was used for teach a group of interns metioned above.

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